
Morgantown WV Mediation Lawyer

Helping You Is What We Do!

Morgantown WV Mediator – WV Mediation Services

Mr. Adams has completed bothMorgantown WV Mediation Attorney the Basic and the Advanced WV Mediation training courses offered by the West Virginia State Bar. He has practiced before most of the judges in the North-Central parts of West Virginia, several additional counties in Central and Southern West Virginia, and in some counties in the Northern and Eastern panhandles.

Mr. Adams brings his considerable litigation and trial experience to the mediation table, along with common sense, and a solid foundation in alternative dispute resolution practices and is committed to helping your clients resolve their disputes in a sensible forum.

There is an old saying—a good settlement is one with which neither side is happy, but with which both sides can live. As a mediator, Mr. Adams employs sharp critical reasoning skills and will evaluate both sides and all issues of a dispute. Expect him to assume the role of devil’s advocate with all parties to the dispute, much as a judge or jury will be critically evaluating all of the evidence and arguments set forth by both sides.

Too many mediators these days simply act as “money-runners,” if you want more out of a mediator and want to put the issues out there on the table during settlement discussions, then call to find out about Adams Legal Group’s availability for your mediation.

Adams Legal Group, PLLC also offers family law mediation, if you are here, because you are struggling with the divorce or child custody process, need to reach an agreed parenting plan, agree on a child relocation, or are needing other related family law mediation services to help resolve disputes or to facilitate the family-law court process.

* Offering Competitive Rates and Discounted Rates During Travel Time.